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Activities & Sport

Ready to set out with a hiking map in hand and explore the region? To enjoy our hotel's own beautiful outdoor area and simply unwind? To visit the Pyramidenkogel and soak in the amazing landscapes of Carinthia? To coast quietly through the countryside of ind ways to combine more physical challenges with exploration of this glorious location? For cyclist and Hikers alike, the Wörthersee Region is jam-packed with all kinds of surprises. Leave the daily outine far behind and book an unforgettable holiday with us on Lake Wörthersee !
We can't wait to meet you!
The center for aquatic sports offers:
boat taxis
boat rentals

The aquatic sports center lies right next to the hotel. Aside from the great selection of sporting opportunities, why not rent out a boat to explore the wonderful lake and its idyllic bays for yourself.
Furthermore, we will be happy to book sailing and surfing courses for you and your children at the nearby sailing school. And the Dellach Golf Club isn't far away either.
Directly in front of the hotel, numerous routes for hikes and bicycle rides lead you out through the region. For example, you can hike in Spintikteiche nature sanctuary or up the mountain to St. Anna Chapel, which is right above the town. A hiking path also leads straight out to a lookout platform known as the Pyramidenkogel. You are welcome to boorow bicycles at the reception desk for free (based on availability). Aside from the ever-popular bike rides around the lake itself, there are lots of other routes to choose from, with something sure to appeal to all tastes.
And the boat landing used by the Wörthersee ferries is also right next to the hotel, enabling you to visit practically all of the other towns along the shore of Wörthersee without having to walk more than a few steps. - In the process, of course, you will ejnoy a beautiful boat ride along with a whole new perspective of the lake and shoreline.
We want you to discover and enjoy as many of our local sightseeing attractions as possble during your stay with us. That's why our hotel reception will also provide you at no charge with the Wörthersee-PlusCard, promising you all kinds of great discounts (incl. 50% ferry fares). Many of our local excursion destinations are included. And naturally, our reception team is always available and more than happy to provide you with personal advice and assistance in planning your excursions or sporting activities. All you need to do is ask!